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Tarja - Rocking Heels Live at Metal Church (2023)

Tarja - Rocking Heels Live at Metal Church (2023)
Tarja - Rocking Heels Live at Metal Church (2023)
Dane techniczne:
Artist: Tarja
Album: Rocking Heels: Live at Metal Church
Year: 2023
Genre: Pop, Rock, Metal
Format/Quality: FLAC 16 bit/44100Hz

01. Always with Me, Always with You (Live at Metal Church)
02. Numb (Live at Metal Church)
03. Alias (Live at Metal Church)
04. Vermilion Pt. 2 (Live at Metal Church)
05. Trust (Live at Metal Church)
06. Ohne Dich (Live at Metal Church)
07. Afterlife (Live at Metal Church)
08. The Living End (Live at Metal Church)
09. The Unforgiven (Live at Metal Church)
10. Sleeping Sun (Live at Metal Church)
11. I Walk Alone (Live at Metal Church)
12. Ave Maria (Live at Metal Church)

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