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Polecamy Bajki/ Anime
Vesperian Sorrow - Awaken The Greylight (2024)

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Size: 444 MB
Genre: Rock
Quality: flac
Genre: Rock
Quality: flac
I As The Pillars Were Raised 6:26
II Antediluvian - Proceeding The Unshaping 5:51
III An Epistle To The Prime Vivified 5:06
IV Traverse The Vorthonian Passage 5:14
V A Dire Flight For The Black Fragment 5:50
VI Seek The Last Priestess Of Tyyk 6:00
VII They Beheld The Chainbreaker's Crowning Defiance 6:56
VIII Who Dwells Whithin The Blight Moon 4:30
IX The Excillion Ontogenesis 4:15
X Awaken The Greylight 4:47
II Antediluvian - Proceeding The Unshaping 5:51
III An Epistle To The Prime Vivified 5:06
IV Traverse The Vorthonian Passage 5:14
V A Dire Flight For The Black Fragment 5:50
VI Seek The Last Priestess Of Tyyk 6:00
VII They Beheld The Chainbreaker's Crowning Defiance 6:56
VIII Who Dwells Whithin The Blight Moon 4:30
IX The Excillion Ontogenesis 4:15
X Awaken The Greylight 4:47
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