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Hi-Fi+ - February 2025

Hi-Fi+ - February 2025
Hi-Fi+ - February 2025
English | 126 pages | PDF | 163.6 MB

Hi-Fi+ is Europe's premier English-language high-end audio magazine. Whether it's the latest in digital audio technology or the best turntable you've ever heard, Hi-Fi+ magazine is the ultimate audiophile authority.

Our goal is clear: to seek out the finest audio components money can buy. Music is the soundtrack to all our lives and we think that the better that soundtrack, sounds the more enriched our lives can be. A good audio system can open up new avenues of music that might surprise you. We don't differentiate; it could be a classic valve amplifier or a state-of-the-art music server – if it sounds good, we want to know and we want to tell you about it. The difference between good sound and great sound lies in the details. and we are obsessive about detail.

We aren't constrained by measurement or bogged down in stuffy old paradigms. We are relevant and a little bit irreverent. Hi-Fi+ features some of the best writers in the business, all passionate about making music sound as good as it possibly can. We seek out the finest audio components – and the latest and greatest music – and aren't afraid of finding the best, whatever the cost.

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Aby zobaczyć ukryty tekst, musisz być zalogowany. Jeżeli nie masz konta, zarejestruj się!

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