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JRNY - Issue 10 2025

JRNY - Issue 10 2025
JRNY - Issue 10 2025
English | 164 pages | PDF | 180.5 MB

Welcome to issue two of the award-winning travel magazine, JRNY. In Issue Two, we continue our ethos of great travel stories told by amazing writers and incredible photography from around the world. Get transported away to Costa Rica by Jamie Lafferty, Bolivia by Shafik Meghji and Hong Kong by Lee Cobaj. Join Simon Urwin on an epic road trip through the Deep South and learn about the incredible mask craftsmen of Japan through Joao Maia's brilliant photos. We also travel across Europe to Austria with Rudolf Abraham, La Graciosa in Spain with Ross Clarke, Ireland with Mark Stratton and Šibenik in Croatia with Mary Novakovic. There are also stories to get your tastebuds going from the Isle of Wight by Clare Naylor and Egypt by Rashmi Narayan, plus much more.

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