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Puzzle World - January 2025

Puzzle World - January 2025
Puzzle World - January 2025
English | 100 pages | PDF | 42.4 MB

Our flagship mixed puzzle title is Puzzle World, a friendly and entertaining mix of all the best types of puzzles to keep even the most ardent puzzler happy. Its unique Your Puzzle World section contains puzzles sent in by the readers themselves and our Puzzle Doctor is 'on call' to answer all our readers puzzle-related queries. And with £2,500 to be won every month too, Puzzle World has proved to be a winner with puzzle fans.

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Aby zobaczyć ukryty tekst, musisz być zalogowany. Jeżeli nie masz konta, zarejestruj się!

Aby zobaczyć ukryty tekst, musisz być zalogowany. Jeżeli nie masz konta, zarejestruj się!

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