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MiniMag - Ultimate Activity Collection - Fun for Kids Volume 1 2024
English | 126 pages | True PDF | 69.8 MB
MiniMag is an edutainment magazine that has been around for over 25 years and gives kids everything they need. From information on current events and important issues to fun activities and competitions, MiniMag has it all! Educational content is presented in a fun manner with the use of humour and vibrant artwork which appeals to children. A combination of fact and fantasy draws the child into the world of reading. MiniMag's content compliments school curricula and it has achieved great success in the classroom as a teaching aid. Children benefit from reading MiniMag as it Instills a love for reading and encourages active participation. It also stimulates creativity and broadens general knowledge. Discover the joys of learning inside our colourful, fun pages!
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