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Airbrush Step by Step English Edition - 28 June 2024
English | 68 pages | PDF | 48.9 MB
Airbrush Step by Step is the magazine for all airbrush artists from the beginner to advanced level. It appeals to classical airbrusher and plastic scale modellers, to the body or custom painter as well as professional illustrators. Airbrush Step by Step aims at providing practical airbrush advice and helping readers to improve their skills through creative user tipps and basic information. With Airbrush Step by Step magazine readers benefit from detailed how to descriptions of all kinds of airbrush illustrations, custom painting, bodypainting and further airbrush use, for any skill level. Read about events and news from the airbrush scene, tips from experts as well as reports on airbrush jobs and projects. The magazine also provides basic information, making-ofs, artist interviews and portfolios and product reviews.

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