Preface: This special Second Edition in Two Volumes was prepared to keep this fine book in current circulation, because it has great historical value, in proving the works, and integrity of an organization, that Yehowah God has been using throughout this last generation of mankind's rulership of the earth. In conjunction with the Scriptural evidence presented in the book "Revealing The Sons Of God" this book provides positive evidence, that the matters presented Scripturally in that book, were fulfilled upon this organization of Jehovah's Witnesses throughout this past generation. This Second Edition varies, in that the Bibliography information has been removed. Why? The bibliography contains proofs from legal sources, old issues of The Watchtower and Consolation, Tracts and other written materials, that are no longer in print, or available to the average reader, therefore the references have been removed. It also has been reformatted for the modern reader, and is now available to read, and be inspired, by the tireless efforts of faithful men, come what may, to serve their God Yehowah, through hardships and persecution, even death, at the hands of the wicked men of the nations! One thing though is certain, and can be proved down to the smallest detail, that everything that you are about to read is factual, it really happened, and can be relied upon as truth. There will be no attempt to gloss over details, or hide the truth. This is a direct witness, by those who lived through these powerful events. The format of this book has been changed to single column, and quotes from the Bible are going to be from the New World Translation, which is much clearer, than earlier translations, that were often quoted in the original publication. Color is used to denote certain repetitive features, and to break up the monotony of all black text, highlighting certain textual features like dates and publications and events. In the hardcopy book version this translates to greyscale text. Every attempt has been made to preserve the original truths presented, though some changes to sentence structure, and word use have been changed, to bring this fine historical document up to modern English standards. Originally this document was presented as a Bible study, and this has been retained. There are four primary speakers, two married couples, who present this wonderful story for our enlightenment. Their story is powerful, and clearly shows, how the Creator of heaven and earth, Yehowah God, has been using the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses throughout this past generation, to effect his glorious will, the bringing in of a New World Order of righteousness. Read this powerful story, and you too will be inspired to join with us, in the proclamation of the very best Good News mankind will ever hear. God's Kingdom has begun, and will soon defeat God's long time enemy, Satan the Devil. This will bring in a peaceful and righteous world, where justice, joy and jubilation will fill the hearts of mankind eternally. Come join us in this thrilling proclamation!